Right For Right
>> Sunday, 14 June 2009
Hey Gang :)
I wanted to talk about a right for a right. It's been on my mind recently that if an action that is right for you, and not right for someone else, should it be considered?
Typically speaking I don't think like a normal person would, I don't have a need to protect myself from things, with saying that I don't feel the need to hide parts of myself neither. What i'm trying to say is:
"Say you have to take an action, you don't want to do this, but you know you have to get inbetween some people in order to get better, what do you do?"
What I've been thinking is that even if you considered it, they are always going to be loop holes in your actions, and if people look hard enough they're really obvious. However we judge our friends on how they treat you back, and the main thing in a friendship is; "If you was in their shoes, what would you do in order to not hurt that person?". I can saftely say that most people would take a selfish route and determine their actions on the logic of if the outcome would be better for themselves. However, I would choose to take an action that helps both myself and that other person, no matter how much I would hate to do that action, if it's for the good of the cause, it should be done.
However, I can say that in the past few weeks the amount of people that take in anything that I say are has decreased to almost 2 or 3 people. It's not that I expect people to listen to what I want to say, or what I want. It's just I feel that as a human being we all have the right to speak for ourselves, and if people don't truly listen to your case, ignorant veiws are made, and those actions are completely twisted into something that would only hurt myself.
With that logic in mind, I am more about listening to others and co-operating to save any just-cause. On the other hand, very few people think like me therefore, the selfish option is completely unavoidable, leaving the one option left:
"The action must be carried out, in the most subtle way possible for sanitiy."
On to more recent events, this week has been a real sun shine :) I've spent most of my week out around the town, enjoying the veiws why kids are at school. I never would of thought it to be so peacful during school hours :D
Though, I do have bad sunburn D;
Haha, Until next time. ;)
Scotty <3
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