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Hullo there ;) Welcome to my blog!

I hope you laugh when you read it ;D

Broken Wings

>> Friday, 26 March 2010

Hey guys ;L

Well the flyleaf gig has passed ;( Was epic though, i'm still addicted to them, and the best part is when me and my step-dad was walking from teh carpark to get my ticket we saw her >>>
And she *HIGH FIVED* me :):)

"BrokenWings - FlyLeaf" XD

So yeah, problems are starting to clear up mainly because i cannot be arsed anymore :) No longer will i just get worked up over nothing, i'll just ignore, blank and fuck around with them... Simples :L I've been taking life to seriously recently, and well we all know that at the end of it no one is gonna win if you take life seriously ;D

They were amazing live, and she mentioned all these things about loving one another, and being eqaul and always trying to reach your dreams because on day it'll happen for you got me thinking about all these arguements with my best friend Conor ;L Whats the point? It's just gonna get worse and we will fall out, i'll just ignore him and make sarcastic comments like i used to do before i got attached ;L HAHA.
Plus, i'm realy good at that ;)

Anyway, So yeah, gonna be good tonight. I have a mini-party thing planned. Louise, Lora, Conor, Luke, Jamie (Maybe) are all coming to mine for a mini-rave and we're gonna get so drunk we can't walk :) Granted only conor is sleeping at mine, but still gonna be an IMMENSE night :) Because i know they'll be no drama, no nothing because we aint gonna let it happen, it's sposed to be a good night not a fucking soap opera ;P

Anyway, take care as always.
Local Blonde Muppet.



>> Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Hey guys ;/

Sorry for the depressive thing last time i wrote, I just didn't really know what to say or what to talk about and it was really on my mind, it's all so fucked up atm ^^.

Well after today things have been sorted between me and my best buddy, however i'm sure cracks will show sometime soon, They always do... What i don't understand is how can two best friends not know the right thing to do anymore. How come one of them must hurt the other? And most of all, Howcome someone can get inbetween them so easily? This is what i wanna know.

"Dido - Here with me"

As ya' can tell i'm not in such a great mood ;( Shits cracking off in the family, stuff with friends... Even my band is turning to shit... And the hardest part is, i know i'm strong enough to do something about it, but i just can't... To many things have happened since i was last happy, I haven't felt happy in months now... And its all because i'm so easily walked all over...

Thats what i used to be like, Happy and smiling all the time, Always around my friends and now i'm lucky if i see them once a week...
Now i have been shaped into the sick this world wants me to, and it's not going on no more... I started this mess i will bloody change it. I'm not gonna become the sick depressed fool you all tried to make me, No way ;P

It'd be a cold day in hell if i suddenly turned on my back and admitted defeat, and it took along time to realise that for myself :) Even though everyone told me so...

Thankyou everyone.
The beloved Blonde head.


Eyes of the abyss!

>> Monday, 22 March 2010

Hey guys.

Well i've finally got the time to update my blog, its been a while but its getting done. The past few months have been great, they've been filled with laughter and joy, untill a few weeks ago... Everything is going down hill and vair fast.

Everyone tells me things will be alright, everything will get better it just takes time. That i must stay in control and must stay positive... But its not too easy when everyday is bleak and dark. It's not even possible to not cry all the time when i'm alone, and even when i'm with people, i'm still alone and still tore up.

I've only just recently found out my best friend has been lieing and using me for the past month or so... And yet how can he see that its not his fault... How can he see that everything he's done has ruined me, its like he's pulling my strings from the dark, making me do things that are normally un-reasonable... And yet why does no one else see it either? Howcome no-one will speak for those that cannot... It's pretty sick tbf ;/ Espesh considering the fact all i've ever done is help him, help everyone around him and clean up his own messes when i can't even handle it myself...

I know i always say the bad things but their are the good times. He's not a bad person, he knows wrong from right. He's saved my life 3 times now, and if it wasn't for him being such a big part in my life then i wouldn't have gotten this far. Not to mention the fact because of our talents our bands music and stigma are immense. The only problem is the bad times over lok the good, because they're worse then anything imaginable. They've taken over me at this moment in time, and i don't even know what to say to him or how to react when i talk to him later... Shouting and cursing isn't something i wanna do, i wanna talk to him as calm as i can be, but how can i do so if he's really fucked things up ;/

We shall see.
Love Scotty.
A friend in need.